
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Best Practices Conference Archive is live!

My presentation was "streamed" from the Best Practices Conference last week. I specifically chose not to utilize the voice function, since, for most of us, that would not be available on other occasions. Here is a direct link to my presentation:

A conference committee member conducted a "play-by-play" voiceover of my presentation in the video, and, although it was a bit rocky in some places since she did not have the script ahead of time (mine went smoothly in SL!), I think it came out fine. It is interesting to see how slowly the slides came into focus on the video, since, in Second Life, on my computer, they were appearing in focus right away.

This was a learning experience for all of us, and we all learned a lot, so I feel it was truly worth all of the effort. Thanks again to the hard-working conference team who put it all together!

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