
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thoughts on NECC07

NECC07 in Atlanta is over, and I have the luxury of staying over one more night before flying back to Cape Cod in the morning. I think this option might become a tradition since it gives me a chance to reflect on everything that I saw and learned before getting back to my "regular" routine.

The conference was a great success, in my opinion. Thank you to ISTE and the GA and NECC Conference Committees for a job well-done! The amount of energy from the participants and the presenters kept me excited the entire time! It was great to spend time with colleagues from all over the globe and to listen carefully (although not always quietly, which is no surprise to anyone!) to what others had to say.

I would like to thank all of the wonderful educators who took the time to stop me and make me feel so special. I appreciate all the feedback and suggestions and the new friends that I made. I look forward to seeing everyone in San Antonio in 2008!

Tired and full of new ideas,

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