Thursday, February 06, 2025


I use my iPhone for everything and feel I am pretty adept at most things. I have 766 apps on my iPhone 15 Max with iOS 17 and the apps are all organized into folders so I can easily find things. 

However, I continue to learn plenty of new things about the capabilities of the iPhone from users on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Threads. I want to share two of my favorites with you. In some cases, if you don't have a newer phone, you may not be able to use some of these tips, but it is nice to read how they work anyway, so you are ready when you upgrade!

Long-exposure images are beautiful and it is easy to take one with your iPhone camera.
  1. Make sure LIVE PHOTOS is turned on. The LIVE PHOTOS option is found in the top right of the screen in the camera (when the phone is in portrait mode) and in the top left of the screen when the camera is in landscape mode. It looks like an icon of two circles with a dotted circle around them. When there is no line through the icon, Live Photos is turned on.
  2. When taking a long-exposure image, it is important to find a place to prop your phone. I often use a horizontal fencepost or a wall in the vicinity to lean on. If you don't have anywhere to rest the phone, tuck your elbows in towards your body and hold your breath.
  3. Whether your phone is propped, on a tripod, or being held, there is one very important thing you need to do to get a great long-exposture shot. Hold your phone still for 5 seconds BEFORE you take the photo and 5 seconds AFTER you take the picture.
  4. Once you have finished the shot. open your image in in Photos, and tap the LIVE icon that comes up. You will be presented with a menu of choices.
  5. Pick LONG-EXPOSURE and the magic will happen!

Tuesday, January 07, 2025


Assessment of student mastery of content takes many forms. This list includes support materials for assessments that work with the Common Core State Standards and rubrics for many different assessment products. It also contains some information on the creation of rubrics and assessment in general.

If you find a link that is not working, please let me know and I will fix it. Thanks!

Common Core State Standards rubrics
  1. K-5 rubrics for writing standards: K 1 2 3 5 (more)
  2. Text-based writing rubrics K-12
  3. Checklist for critical areas in K-2 math 
  4. Common Core checklists K-6
  5. EQuIP rubric for lessons & units: Math
  6. EQuIP rubric for lessons & units: ELA
  7. EQuIP rubric for lessons & units: ELA (K-2)
  8. Grammar & mechanics self-assessment rubric
  9. Multimedia rubric for projects to inform
  10. PARCC analytic and narrative writing (3) (4) (5)
  11. PARCC analytic and narrative writing (6) (7) (8)
  12. PARCC analytic and narrative writing (9) (10) (11)
  13. PARCC PLDs: ELA all grades
  14. PARCC PLDs: Math all grades
  15. Rubrics for evaluating OER resources 4 | 5
  16. Writing: Informative rubric (Grades 3 | 4 | 5)
  17. Writing: Narrative rubric (Grades 3 | 4 | 5
  18. Writing: Opinion rubric (Grades 3 | 4 | 5
  19. Writing: High school style rubric 1 & 2

CCSS Lesson/Unit review rubrics
  1. Engage NY ELA Evaluation Rubric
  2. Engage NY Math Evaluation Rubric

CCSS and classroom technology
  1. Common Core Standards with technology
  2. Word cloud of technology in the CCSS

Other Common Core items of interest
  1. CCSS and real-life math
  2. How to add rigor to anything
  3. CCSS Lexile ranges

Multimedia and apps rubrics
  1. Basic video production rubric
  2. Book trailer movie rubric 1
  3. Book trailer movie rubric 2
  4. Comic book rubric
  5. Digital storytelling rubric 1
  6. Digital storytelling rubric 2
  7. Digital storytelling rubric from DSTCO
  8. Educreations rubric and self-assessment
  9. iMovie rubric
  10. iMovie book trailer rubric
  11. iMovie trailer rubric (Google image search)
  12. Multimedia presentation rubric
  13. Multimedia project rubric with self-evaluation
  14. PechaKucha/Ignite rubric 1
  15. PechaKucha/Ignite rubric 2
  16. PechaKucha/Ignite rubric 3
  17. PechaKucha/Ignite rubric 4
  18. Presentation rubric: K-2
  19. Presentation rubric: 3-5
  20. Presentation rubric: 6-8
  21. Presentation rubric: 9-12
  22. Screencasting rubrics
  23. Slideshow/video rubric
  24. Stop motion animation rubric
  25. Storyboard rubric​​​
  26. Video interview rubric
  27. Video project rubric 1
  28. Video project rubric 2
  29. VR creation checklist (beta)

 Evidence-based rubrics (EB)
  1. EB writing rubric
  2. EB professional development rubric

Presentation software rubrics
  1. Graphic organizer rubric (Inspiration)
  2. Keynote rubric
  3. PowerPoint rubric
  4. Scoring PowerPoint presentations

Online tools rubrics
  1. Animoto rubric 1
  2. Blog commenting rubric 
  3. Blog: Student blog rubric
  4. Blogging rubric
  5. Blogging rubric and Bloom's​ 
  6. Haiku Deck rubric
  7. Learning objects rubric 1
  8. Learning objects rubric 2
  9. Learning objects rubric 3
  10. Online discussion rubric
  11. Online presentation rubric 1
  12. Online presentation rubric 2  
  13. Skype rubric
  14. Thinglink rubric 1
  15. Thinglink rubric 2
  16. Threaded discussion rubric
  17. Twitter rubric 1
  18. Twitter rubric 2
  19. Twitter rubric 3   
  20. Wiki rubric 1
  21. Wiki rubric 2
  22. Wiki rubric: individual/group contributions

Rubric builders and generators
  1. For all rubrics (works with iPad)
  2. How to create a rubric tutorial
  3. Project based learning checklists
  4. Roobrix (Convert a rubric score to a percentage)
  5. Rubistar
  6. Rubric Machine
  7. Rubrics - Education assessment for learning (iOS)
  8. Rubrics generator
  9. QuickRubric
  10. ThemeSpark

Student technology skills
  1. ​​ISTE Standards for students (2016)
  2. ISTE Standards for students : holistic rubric
  3. VA SOLs for computer technology
  4. TX TEKS technology applications
  5. NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards: Technology
  6. Liz Kolb: Triple E Framework rubric

Educator technology skills and rubrics
  1. Arizona technology integration matrix
  2. Assessing teacher technology projects
  3. Beagle Learning: Question Productivity Index (QPI) Rubric
  4. Doug Johnson's tech rubric: Administrators
  5. Doug Johnson's tech rubric: Educator beginner
  6. Doug Johnson's tech rubric: Educator advanced/Internet skills
  7. Interactive whiteboard rubric
  8. ISTE: Standards for educators (2017) | Slide show
  9. SAMR: Classroom learning activity rubric 
  10. Technology integration rubric
  11. Utah Tech Awareness Project: Educator rubrics
  12. Technology and 21st century skills rubric for teachers​​
  13. Video conferencing rubric​​

Activators and summarizers (see new page)

Rubrics for higher education

Related articles
             ...practical ways and thoughts for both teachers and students              ...a pedagogical and practical article               ...innovative ways to create rubrics               ...Grant Wiggins offers great ideas in the blog post     extensive site dealing with rubric creation
Alternative & performance based assessments
  1. Alternative assessment links from ERIC
  2. Alternative assessment links from NCREL
  3. Alternative assessment ideas from NCLRC
  4. 40 alternative assessment ideas for learning from TechHUB
  5. A practical guide to alternative assessments from ASCD

Electronic portfolios
  1. Developing a teaching portfolio
  2. Electronic portfolios in the K-12 classroom
  3. Electronic teaching portfolios
  4. Evaluating the electronic portfolio
  5. Online portfolio rubric
  6. Rubric for electronic teaching portfolio
  7. Tutorials in PDF format
  8. Using technology to support portfolio assessment

Graphic organizers
  1. Fifty uses for concept-mapping software
  2. Graphic organizers for content instruction
  3. Graphic organizers from Education Place
  4. Graphic organizers from Family Ed Network
  5. Graphic organizers from
  6. Graphic organizers from WriteDesign Online
  7. Printable graphic organizers from Pearson
  8. Reading comprehension graphic organizers
  9. Rubric for a graphic organizer (Inspiration)
  10. Teacher-created Inspiration projects

Report card/progress report comments
Textbook adoption and online materials rubrics